Author Guidelines: CISS Insight is a biannual research journal of the Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad. It publishes articles on nuclear and strategic issues and international security.
Guidelines for Research Article Researchers and scholars who wish to contribute their articles for publication in CISS Insight Journal may send their original, unpublished research articles in MS Word. They must also write their brief introduction, including contact details, and a certificate that the research is not published elsewhere or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitted articles are subject to double-blind peer reviews both nationally and internationally. For plagiarism, we strictly follow the HEC guidelines. Contributors may note that once their articles have been accepted for publication in CISS Insight they cannot withdraw their article or have them published in any other journal. All contributions must be submitted at
Abstract Length Articles should have a brief abstract comprising 200 words.
Words Limit Article length should be between 5000 and 7000 words, including the references.
Submission Mode Contributors are expected to submit a soft copy in MS Word (Times New Roman font, 12 size)
Guidelines for Referencing CISS Insight follows Chicago Manual 17th Edition (Full Note) for referencing (with font size 10).
Website Last name, first name. “Title.” Website Name, Date, DOI or URL.
Journal Article First Author’s First Name Last Name and Second Author’s First Name Last Name (If any), “Title of Article,” Name of Journal Volume Number, no. Issue Number (Date of Publication): Page Number of Exact Citation, DOI or URL.
Newspaper Article Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Newspaper Name, Publication Date. DOI or URL.
Book Author First Name Surname, “Chapter Title in Quotation Marks,” in Book Title: Subtitle, ed. Editor First Name Surname (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page #.
Book Chapter Author First name Lastname, “Chapter of Book” in (italicized)Title of Book, ed. First name Lastname, nth ed., vol. #, volume title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers, URL/DOI.
Report First name Last name, Title of Work (Publisher City: Publisher, year of publication), URL.
Moreover, the use of ibid. for subsequent citations is now discouraged in favor of shortened citations.
Guidelines for Book Review Researchers and scholars who wish to contribute their book reviews for publication in CISS Insight may send their original, unpublished book reviews in MS Word. They must also write their brief introduction including their contact details. For plagiarism, we strictly follow the HEC guidelines. Contributors may note that once their reviews have been accepted for publication in CISS Insight they cannot withdraw their reviews or have them published in any other journal. Word Limit of the review must be between 800 words to 1200 words. All contributions must be submitted at
Structure of the Book Review
Title of the Book, Author’s Name For instance: Seeking the Bomb: Strategies of Nuclear Proliferation, Vipin Narang (Name of the Press, Year of Publication), Number of Pages For instance: (Princeton University Press, 2021), 493 Body of the Book Review Word limit: 1000 wordsReviewed by (Name), (Designation) (Organization Name), City. For instance: Reviewed by Abdul Moiz Khan, Research Officer at the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS), Islamabad. Submission Mode Contributors are expected to submit a soft copy in MS Word (Times New Roman font, 12 size)