Center for International Strategic Studies organized a Book Launch of Center’s first edited volume titled, “Pakistan’s Security Problems and Challenges in the Next Decade”. The volume has been meticulously edited by Ms. Salma Malik, an Islamabad-based academic, while authors are Pakistani policy-experts, practitioners, and academicians. Book examines Pakistan’s current problems and analyses challenges that can emerge in next ten years. It provides an in-depth and holistic analysis of policy and socio-economic challenges facing the country and its leadership.
Ambassador Ali Sarwar Naqvi,Executive Director-CISS, highlighting the importance of the book said, “with the dawn of 21st century, specifically after events of 9/11 colossal challenges have emerged for Pakistan’s security”. This necessitated the need for a book that provides “well rounded analysis of all security issues which Pakistan” faces.
Editor of the book, Ms. Salma Malik, gave a comprehensive introduction to the book. She provided insights into how the project was conceived and its evolution. Its a pure Pakistani work, and fills a crucial gap in the literature. While commenting on the issues covered in the book, she said, “each chapter is a standalone study covering all key questions”.
Pakistan’s foremost security analyst and academic, Dr. Hasan Askari Rizvi contended that book provides a comprehensive overview of security challenges confronting Pakistan’s decision-makers, including external, internal, comprehensive terrorism, terrorism and extremism. Commenting briefly on each chapter he remarked authors have covered nature and dynamics of security challenges. He recommended the book to all members of the society who wish to understand security problems facing Pakistan and thinking about the future. For him reviewing the book was an “intellectually rewarding experience”.
Dr. Rabia Akhtar, Director of a Lahore-based research center reviewing the book held that it “restores (her) faith” we as nation, are“ready to face the mirror and deal with serious issues.”We only require a visionary political leadership which can reshape our future. She offered insightful comments on each chapter of the book. She stressed our repeated political crises and resultant military coups “contributed to the weakening of civilian institutions”, but still, Pakistan military remains the last stable institutions of the country. Yet, Pakistan’s lack of political reforms has been due to absence of accountability by the masses.
Chief Guest, AkramZaki, addressing the audience commend CISS and Editor, Ms. Malik, for leading the effort which is a first book by Pakistani thinkers who have experience as policy-makers, analysts and academicians. Ambassador Zaki provided historical genesis of Pakistan movement saying it was in fact a “political demand”. Moreover, Pakistan’s challenges are result of lack of governance or bad governance. It remains are one of the most important “security dynamic of Pakistan”. These results in weakening of national integration and foreign state exploit such tendencies, and disintegration of Pakistan in 1971 remains a reminder of it. In the end he raised pertinent questions on causes of terrorism in Pakistan.
A book signing ceremony was also held at the end. Meanwhile, NUST Publishing, the publishers of the book announced that book is available at bookstores across the country for the general public.