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P-ISSN 2310-4260

P-ISSN 2709-3719

A Peer-Reviewed, Biannual and Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Open Access / Open Archiving Policy:

CISS Insight is an open access and open archive journal. All the previous issues of the journal are accessible online. The content can be downloaded, read, printed and redistributed, however, with proper references, citations to the work of the contributing authors as well as the Journal. The journal follows an open access policy with a view to generating informed discourse on strategic and security issues from a policy perspective.

Mr Syed Ali Abbas

Research Officer/ Comm Officer/ Managing Editor CISS Insight

Syed Ali Abbas is a Research Officer/Communication Officer at the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS), Islamabad. Previously, he served as an associate editor at Indus News Network. His areas of interest include Middle East politics, military modernization, foreign policy, and nuclear politics. He has contributed to various platforms, including The National Interest, South Asian Voices, and others.