Browsing: Amna Tauhidi
by Amna Tauhidi.... The rationale for supporting the idea of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) as a model of economic integration and regional cooperation comes from the belief that this will lead to the economic development in the entire region. The Central and South Asian region has been labelled the most fragile region in the
by Amna Tauhidi.... The end of Cold War witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs: a transition from bipolar world to a unipolar one. The fall of the Soviet Union ensured the US status of sole-superpower. Till date, the US has ensured to withhold its status as a global power in this evolving multi-polar world.
by Amna Tauhidi.... “The life of the people living along the ceasefire line has been crippled by incessant shelling and firing. Not a single day goes by when there are no casualties in one or the other sector.” –(LOC resident) Despite the adherence to the 2003 cease fire agreement by both India and Pakistan the
The central theme behind the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is to open new economic and trade avenues that would lead to the overall social and economic prosperity of the region. The fruit of this economic cooperation is a market far larger in scope than the one that exists because of economic conflict in the region.