A wave of jingoism and war hysteria followed the February 14, 2019 suicide attack on the Central Reserve Police Force…
Browsing: Samran Ali
The Chinese economy has already outgrown the U.S. economy. India has also replaced France and is now the sixth largest economy in the world. Both countries are also major political and military powers with growing regional and global stakes, respectively. However, they have opposite political systems and divergent views on most global issues. While India
Foreign policy is closely linked with a state’s national power. The national power potential of a state can be realised by the quality of its government and prudence of policies. If the governance structure of a country is weak and inefficient, the foreign policy may not run well. Pakistan’s foreign relations have been uneven, sometimes
by Samran Ali.... Trump’s politics of building walls and international disengagement ascended new heights when Trump withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The decision is termed as bad as the decision to enter Iraq. The two are not similar in their nature but both are equally disruptive in their effects. Its aftershocks
by Samran Ali.... The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, Li Baodong, speaking at Tashkent Peace Conference on Afghanistan, extended China’s support to the inclusive political reconciliation process in Afghanistan. He said China saw Afghanistan as an important partner under its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project. Although limited in the past, the Chinese interest in Afghanistan
by Samran Ali.... India is accelerating induction of advanced weapon systems and platforms putting the South Asian strategic stability in danger. These developments include the Ballistic Missile Defence system. According to Defence Research and Development Organisation chief V.K. Saraswat, BMD system was ready to be deployed for two cities namely New Delhi and Mumbai on
by Samran Ali.... The US Government has again blamed Pakistan for providing safe havens to the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network and suspended financial assistance to Pakistan till Pakistan takes what the US considers decisive action against the militant groups. The Afghan authorities also voiced their suspicions that Haqqanis are hiding in Pakistan. After the