China’s emergence as a key player in global politics and the declining role of the United States as a superpower are the two most significant developments of the 21st Century. This geopolitical transformation has compelled the US to reconsider its traditional Eurocentric and Middle Eastern foreign policy approach and shift focus to the Asia Pacific region. To hold onto its superpower status, the US is bolstering India as a bulwark against China but there is no guarantee that India will carry this weight. In its pursuit of containing China, the US has strengthened ties with India. A convergence of interests to contain China has taken place between India and the US in the form of a strategic partnership. The development entails severe consequences for strategic stability in South Asia. India’s military build-up is becoming a concern for regional states, particularly for Pakistan. The Indian approach also increases nuclear risk. This changing strategic environment leaves Pakistan with no recourse but to exercise all options to maintain a strategic equilibrium. This study provides an overview of the US-India strategic partnership, its impact on South Asian strategic stability, likely challenges for Pakistan, and options for Pakistan to maintain strategic equilibrium in South Asia.
Read Complete Research Paper: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S2377740023500057